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Video course Heal yourself

Video course Heal yourself

Regular price CHF 149.00
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Welcome to "Heal Yourself"

Have you tried numerous diets and are frustrated by the lack of results? Then this course is just right for you. "Heal Yourself" offers a fresh perspective on the topic of weight management and conscious eating. In this comprehensive course we will explore the psychological aspects of eating behavior, psychosomatic influences, self-reflection and self-acceptance, healthy eating and exercise, as well as solutions for changing your eating behavior.

Our "Heal Yourself" video course includes 5 videos in which you will also be given tasks to complete in order to progress and grow on your path.

Part 1: Introduction and diet analysis We begin with an introduction to the course concept and explain why diets often fail. Together we analyze the different diets you have already tried and why the concept of individual weight is so important. Practical exercises for developing consciousness help you to become more aware of your thoughts, feelings and behaviors.

Part 2: Psychosomatic connections In this section we will explain the psychosomatic influences on your eating behavior and identify emotional triggers for overeating. We will show the connection between stress and weight gain and give you basic principles of a healthy diet.

Part 3: Self-reflection and goal setting This is all about self-reflection and identifying your personal goals. We help you to develop a realistic and sustainable weight goal and emphasize the importance of self-acceptance. We also explain why exercise is so important for your weight management.

Part 4: Solutions and change We will introduce you to strategies for changing your eating habits and teach you techniques for stress management and emotional regulation. You will learn how to develop and maintain healthy habits and how self-love influences your weight management.

Part 5: Support and long-term success Finally, we offer you resources and support systems for long-term success and show you how to overcome setbacks and stay motivated. At the end of the course, we encourage you to implement the plan for the long term and give you strategies for long-term weight maintenance and avoiding relapses.

"Heal Yourself" offers you a holistic approach to weight management and conscious eating behavior. You will deepen your understanding of your own habits, recognize emotional connections and receive practical tools for positive change. We look forward to accompanying you on your journey to your individual weight.

Sign up today and start your journey to a healthier and happier lifestyle!

Access to the course will be sent to you by email within a maximum of 24 hours.

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5 Videos: Einheiten, die dich durch die Themen des Kurses führen.Teil 1: Einführung und Diätenanalyse.Teil 2: Psychosomatische Zusammenhänge.Teil 3: Selbstreflexion und Zielsetzung.Teil 4: Lösungsansätze und Veränderung.Teil 5: Langfristiger Erfolg: Ressourcen für langfristige Motivation.Praktische Übungen: Aufgaben, die du direkt anwenden kannst.

Verändere dein Essverhalten: Erkenne emotionale Auslöser und entwickle gesunde Gewohnheiten.Nachhaltiges Gewichtsmanagement: Finde dein Individualgewicht ohne Diäten.Persönliche Weiterentwicklung: Durch Selbstreflexion erreichst du langfristig positive Veränderungen.Langfristige Motivation: Ressourcen für langfristigen Erfolg.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Der Zugang wird dir innerhalb von maximal 24 Stunden per E-Mail zugeschickt.

Der Kurs richtet sich an alle, die sich für eine ganzheitliche Herangehensweise an Gewichtsmanagement interessieren.

Der Kurs umfasst Diätenanalyse, psychosomatische Einflüsse, Selbstreflexion, Lösungsansätze.

Der Kurs besteht aus 5 Videoteilen, die du in deinem eigenen Tempo durcharbeiten kannst.