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Cupping glass 5cm with 2-valve technology

Cupping glass 5cm with 2-valve technology

Regular price CHF 39.00
Regular price Sale price CHF 39.00
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How does cupping therapy work?

Cupping therapy uses cupping glasses in which a negative pressure is created to remove harmful substances through the skin. This is why it is considered a skin stimulation method. The aim of cupping is to strengthen or activate the body's self-healing powers.

Cupping can provide relief for the following complaints:

  • Cellulite
  • Tensions
  • Circulatory disorders
  • A cold
  • Digestive problems
  • rheumatic diseases
  • Inflammation of the urinary tract, menstrual disorders
  • Flu, bronchial asthma, bronchial catarrh
  • Sore throat
  • Migraines and headaches
  • Circulatory disorders, cardiovascular diseases

When used correctly, cupping is harmless and does not cause any adverse side effects. The results are impressive and can be seen quickly, as the body reacts to cupping in the right place within hours.

Cupping is not a curative therapy. However, the targeted use of cupping alone is often enough to return the disorders to normal.

Attention: Cupping is not recommended for varicose veins, spider veins and during pregnancy (in the abdominal region)!

Advantages over conventional cupping glasses:

  • can be re-pumped at any time
  • Negative pressure adjustable
  • higher suction power for massage applications
  • easy to clean
  • high-quality, extremely stable Duran glass

In contrast to normal cupping glasses, the Celik cupping glasses have a unique 2-valve technology that allows you to create a particularly strong, individual vacuum in the glass, as you can pump it again and again. This turns out to be an unbeatable advantage, especially with larger glass diameters!

For cellulite, we recommend cupping the affected area with oil 2-3 times a week for about 10 minutes.

You will receive detailed instructions for the cupping glass via email.

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1 Schröpfglas 5cm mit 2-Ventil-Technik

  • Linderung von Cellulite und Verspannungen
  • Verbesserte Durchblutung
  • Förderung der Regeneration

Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
Janine Fasnacht

Danke der YouToube-Anleitung sehr leicht anzuwenden

Renata Bucher

Tiptop, einfach in der Anwendung

Eveline Guarda

Ich muss mich mit dem Thema noch etwas mehr befassen. Die Beschreibung dazu dürfte etwas ausführlicher sein. Wo geht z.Bsp. der Lympffluss genau durch... damit man in die richtige Richtung schröpft. Meine erste Anwendung war sehr wohltuend!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Empfohlen sind 2-3 Anwendungen pro Woche für jeweils 10 Minuten.

Es sollte als angenehmes Ziehen empfunden werden.

Bei Krampfadern sollte das Schröpfen an den betroffenen Stellen vermieden werden. In der Schwangerschaft ist das Schröpfen am Bauch strengstens verboten, die Beine sind aber kein Problem.

Ja, das Schröpfen während der Stillzeit ist kein Problem.