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Cold wrap (belly fat reduction)

Cold wrap (belly fat reduction)

Regular price CHF 89.90
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The concentrated enzymes in the cold gel are enriched with biomolecules that activate the stomach and abdominal area. This successfully combats unhealthy visceral fat on the stomach. This wrap is recommended for spider veins and varicose veins because it does not heat up as much as the other home packs.

Use the Cold Gel as part of the Cold Wrap Home Package:

Pre-treatment: Apply the cold gel starting at the knees and working down to the chest. NOTE: This is a warming product. Therefore, be sure to wash your hands afterwards.

Main treatment: After about 3-5 minutes, the creamed areas are covered with a tight wrap of thermoactive foil. Starting below the right knee up to the chest, then starting at the left knee and again over the buttocks and stomach. Make sure that no piece of skin is left exposed below the buttocks.

Exposure time: Allow the cold gel to work for 45 minutes, lie down and try to relax. The more free your body meridians are from disruption, the more effectively the ingredients will be absorbed.

Aftercare: Remove the foil and massage in the gel residue. Finally, the wildflower herbal oil is applied all over the body. This seals the tissue for several hours for the aftereffect and sustained increased fat burning. Therefore, you should not shower or go swimming immediately after the treatment.

Use for at least 3 weeks, twice a week to achieve noticeable results.


  • 1 thermoactive film (please do not use cling film)
  • 1 wildflower herb oil 100 ml for sealing
  • 1 cold gel 150 ml

Enough for about 5-6 wraps

Don't forget:

  • Increased fluid intake on the day of the wrap, I recommend 2-3 liters of water and tea

The gel can also be used as a cream and does not always have to be applied as a wrap. Simply rub 1 tablespoon of the gel onto your stomach, bottom and thighs after showering.

If you are unsure, please watch my video, here you can see step by step how the wrap is made:

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  • 1 Thermoaktive Folie
  • 1 Wildblüten-Kräuter-Öl (100 ml)
  • 1 Cold-Gel (150 ml)
  • Wickel Anleitung

Cold Wickel mindestens 3x pro Woche für 45 Minuten über 3 Wochen anwenden

  • Reduktion des Bauchfetts
  • Straffere Haut

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Ja, es kann nach Bedarf für Bauch, Po und Oberschenkel genutzt werden.

Nein, wir raten von der Wickelbehandlung ab, da die Produkte aus diversen ätherischen Ölen bestehen.

Eine Sitzung dauert etwa 45-60 Minuten.