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Online recipe book - My simple and healthy everyday recipes for every day

Online recipe book - My simple and healthy everyday recipes for every day

Regular price CHF 29.00
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In this recipe book I have put together a variety of meals that can be prepared without any great cooking skills and that also work well with the family. For me, healthy eating means eating a balanced diet, adding ingredients that make my everyday life easier and still have a lot of nutritional value.

This recipe book is suitable for anyone who wants to eat a healthy and balanced diet. If you want to lose weight, I advise you to only eat the main meals (morning, lunch and dinner), but if you have a physically demanding job or would rather build muscle mass, I would recommend having 1-2 snacks in between.

The recipe book contains 24 recipes.

The recipe book can also be supplemented with a precise plan in the app. To do this, please select the combination in the shop. We prepare the menus for you manually in our nutrition app for 8 weeks. You can see which menus are planned and supplement them with snacks. You can see the exact calorie information as well as carbohydrates, fat and protein. You can also create your own individual plan there and see how much more you can eat each day to reach your goal.

Your benefit? We track all meals for you for 8 weeks, so you save a lot of time!

To do this, please create an app access for the Goldenbody app and log in via our nutrition app. There you create a meal plan. As soon as you have done this, we can assign you the meals. The meals are always planned from the next Monday after purchase.

Important to know: The menus repeat every week!

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24 Rezepte: Für jeden Tag gesunde Mahlzeiten.Optionale Ergänzung: 8 Wochen individuelle Ernährungsplanung in der App.

Gesunde Ernährung leicht gemacht, zeitsparend durch vorgeplante Menüs, Flexibilität bei der Anpassung an persönliche Ziele, Ernährungsapp bietet detaillierte Kalorien- und Nährwertangaben.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Marianne Stählin
Habe mir mehr Inhalt gewünscht

Für mich hat es viele Frühstück/ Snack Gerichte und zu wenig Hauptgang Vorschläge.

Marisa Schmitz
Keep it simple

Auf den ersten Blick fand ich es wenig spektakulär, aber ganz ehrlich, für den normalen Mama-Alltag super gute und gesunde Rezepte

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Es sind insgesamt 24 Rezepte enthalten.

Das Rezeptbuch ist als digitales Produkt verfügbar und kann sofort nach dem Kauf heruntergeladen werden.

Du erhältst eine detaillierte 8-Wochen-Ernährungsplanung mit Kalorien- und Nährwertangaben.

Ja, du kannst die Rezepte nach Belieben anpassen und in der Ernährungsapp ergänzen.